Sunday 7 June 2015

So I've decided to do something serious with my health. Since having a hysterectomy 3 years ago, I've put on a whole dress size, and to be honest that is not great as I always struggled to be a sensible size anyway.

This and the fact that I've recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia means that I need to do something good to help my body and me. I need to be a healthy weight again and I need to do something to help my body feel better.

I asked my doctor what she recommended; I've tried menopause reset, which in theory is good, but although I had not gained any weight, I didn't lose any either. So she recommended Anjums eat for your body type,  which ironically I had bought about 5 years ago and never even looked at...(you might get an idea of my type straight away...pretty lazy). So, instead, I decided to read it. I am a Kapha which is someone who has rounded softer fuller figures, calm but with tendencies to gain weight and be lazy. It's difficult to admit...well not really, I am pretty lazy. I keep my house tidy but when it comes to me, for me, I am lazy. BUT, I have been really good since Christmas and worn my fitbit every day and although I don't always make my ten thousand steps, I near as damn it do. I'd say on average I do 50 to 60 thousand steps a week and on a good week I do into the mid 70s.

I'm thinking that I will carry on with my daily walking and try the eating for your body type life. I've downloaded a food list and ordered the shopping. So tomorrow I will be working out my menu for the week. If I get on with it then hopefully I will start to feel even better for me. I do eat well normally, but give in to treats probably too often.

I need to do something for me, to lose weight and you never know it might help with the fibromyalgia too...

I am rubbish at this sort of thing, so I will need encouragement and inspiration.

Good luck me.